Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find the most frequently asked questions on various topics. If you can't find your question, please feel free to contact our support team.
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How can I cancel my order?
Send us an email to support with your order number and the reason for cancellation.
If your order has not been shipped yet, we can cancel your order and refund your payment, less 20% of the order for handling fees.
If your order has already been shipped, then we cannot cancel your order.
Goods (partially) not received, what to do?
In most cases, the goods are still on the way to your home. If this is not the case, please contact our support. You can find the contact details below under "Help".
I have ordering problems, what can I do?
The best way is to contact our support team and describe your problem. We will help you then.
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Do I get all the money back if I return the product?
After we have received and checked your product, you will receive a confirmation of receipt of the goods by e-mail. Here you will also be informed about the returned items and the amount we will credit to your account.
Please note that the return transfer may take a few business days.
Who pays the shipping costs in case of a return?
You have to bear the costs for a return yourself. You then also have the option to decide which parcel service you choose and whether you want to insure the package or not.
How can I return my product?
Once you notify us of the return, we will review your request.
We will then approve the return and send you a customized return form to the email you provided.
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To which countries do you deliver?
Currently we ship our products exclusively to Worldwide
Which parcel service provider do you use to send my parcel?
The service provider is chosen individually, depending on the address to which your package will be delivered. We always choose the best option for your address.
How long will it take to ship my order?
You can find more information about shipping under our shipping information.